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24 February 2010 PAGeNEWS

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If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
— Abraham Maslow
PAG e-NEWS: 23 February 2010
— questioning dogma, ideology, authority, reality, and whatever is left
— peeking behind the curtain
— thinking outside the program
— looking below the surface
— lifting the veil
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq. (
Calling every strange object in the sky a UFO is one thing. Concluding that all UFOs are extraterrestrial is like saying that all animals are four-legged. Actually a more accurate analogy would be stating that all animals are unicorns.
Mystery Object Spotted
Saucer-shaped cloud formation
Adamski-type craft in Bulgaria
Strange Object Over Brazil
Flying Triangle

11:11 Invitation

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