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11 February 2010 PAGeNEWS

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It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others –anonymous
PAG e-NEWS: 11 February 2010
— questioning dogma, ideology, authority, reality, and whatever is left
— peeking behind the curtain
— thinking outside the program
— looking below the surface
— lifting the veil
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq. (
SIGNs of the END-TIMEs
So do you think the reason babies are born smaller than ever is because our environment is saturated with radioactive particles or because our food is contaminated by dangerous drugs? Or could it be due to the more than a dozen other reasons for the toxicity in our biosphere? The decrease in newborns weight is just one warning that something is wrong. But then again I’m just stating the obvious, now aren’t I?
US babies mysteriously shrinking
Birthweights in the US are falling but no one knows why, according to a study of 36.8 million infants born between 1990 and 2005.
A Quarter of U.S. Nuclear Plants Leaking
27 of 104 Plants Leak Radioactive Tritium, a Carcinogen, Raising Concerns About Nation’s Aging Plants
Why Has the FDA Allowed a Drug Marked ‘Not Safe for Use in Humans’ to Be Fed to Livestock Right Before Slaughter?
While researchers and scientists investigate the cause of our diabetes, obesity, asthma and ADHD epidemics, they should ask why the FDA approved a livestock drug banned in 160 nations and responsible for hyperactivity, muscle breakdown and 10 percent mortality in pigs, according to angry farmers who phoned the manufacturer.

11:11 Invitation

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