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15 April 2010

Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. —Edward de Bono
PAG e-NEWS: 15 April 2010
— questioning dogma, ideology, authority, reality, and whatever is left
   — peeking behind the curtain
   — thinking outside the program
   — looking below the surface       
   — lifting the veil
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq. (
There are many things occurring in our reality that are being kept secret from us. Crop circles and radar anomalies are just two of the many mysteries that might not be so mysterious to some people.
Crop Circles, Part Deux: Alien Glyphs, Human Myths, Blogging Bliss
It seems that what was “forbidden science” in academia is also forbidden in cyberspace. The specific hypothesis offered–that crop circles are the result of a U.K. defense electronics development project–only elicited 19 responses discussing the facts or arguing for or against the idea itself.
Highs And Lows
Despite these profoundly sorrowful losses the magic of the phenomenon remains constant in its ability to feed our curiosity and to take us beyond present day conventional thinking and learning.
Bureau of Meteorology images show mysterious patterns on radar system
They are the digital-age equivalent of crop circles – mysterious patterns appearing on the Bureau of Meteorology’s national radar system without any explanation.
Radar Anomalies: Report and Conclusions
Regarding the last three months worth of data and research I cannot say what this is.  However I can say that this is not natural.  It is either a computer glitch or something more sinister.

11:11 Invitation

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