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23 March 2010

Every human being is the author of his own health or disease. –Buddha
PAG e-NEWS: 23 March 2010
— questioning dogma, ideology, authority, reality, and whatever is left
   — peeking behind the curtain
   — thinking outside the program
   — looking below the surface       
   — lifting the veil
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq. (
It sounds so simple doesn’t it? Just eat healthy, exercise, eliminate stress, and get sufficient rest. And if you do all that on a consistent basis you won’t need any insurance – whether health or death. So if it’s that simple why isn’t each one of us doing it? It’s a great way to cripple the system and bring about change. Is it because we have no self-control and will power – or is the incessant marketing of fast and processed foods too difficult to resist? Probably a combination of both, huh?
Real food, real simple
The food industry is bigger than the oil industry and every bit as corrupt and manipulative. If they had their way, all food would come in a box, filled with low-cost garbage ingredients, and marked up to the moon.
Health care reform bill dooms America to Pharma-dominated sickness and suffering
There’s only one problem with this health care reform bill: It doesn’t reform health care. It has almost nothing to do with health care at all, in fact: It’s really more of an effort to expand a broken sick-care system. When faced with the problem that our sick-care system doesn’t work, Congress somehow decided that fixing the problem merely involved expanding the failures to include everyone!
Healthy without health insurance in America
We don’t have health insurance — and we don’t want it! Why? Because we are part of a growing number of Americans who take care of their own health and don’t want more pharmaceuticals, surgery and vaccines forced upon us by sick care corporations and nutritionally illiterate lawmakers.

22 March 2010

The function of science fiction is not always to predict the future but sometimes to prevent it. –Frank Herbert
PAG e-NEWS: 22 March 2010
— questioning dogma, ideology, authority, reality, and whatever is left
   — peeking behind the curtain
   — thinking outside the program
   — looking below the surface       
   — lifting the veil
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq. (
Be sure to check out the first article by Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Chris Hedges as well as the comments at the end. Though Hedges it right on about the problems that now face us, his conclusions are inconsistent and his solutions controversial. The seed vault in Norway suggests that some people are preparing for the end of the world, while the LHC in Switzerland is a constant reminder that the end could be just a flick of a switch away.
We Stand on the Cusp of one of Humanity’s Most Dangerous Moments
We stand on the cusp of one of the bleakest periods in human history when the bright lights of a civilization blink out and we will descend for decades, if not centuries, into barbarity.
Norway doomsday seed vault hits 1/2 million mark
Two years after receiving its first deposits, a “doomsday” seed vault on an Arctic island has amassed half a million seed samples, making it the world’s most diverse repository of crop seeds, the vault’s operators announced Thursday.
Large Hadron Collider smashes energy record again
On Friday morning, the machine created two beams of protons, each with an energy of 3.5 trillion electron volts. The effort breaks the prior record, set by the LHC in December, of just over a trillion electron volts in each beam. The LHC will now aim to smash those two beams together, hoping to create new particles that give insight into the most fundamental workings of physics.

19 March 2010

Sentient beings wish to return to their origin where their nature will be in perfect unity. –Buddhist saying
PAG e-NEWS: 19 March 2010
— questioning dogma, ideology, authority, reality, and whatever is left
   — peeking behind the curtain
   — thinking outside the program
   — looking below the surface      
   — lifting the veil
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq. (
Hmm, now that is an interesting coincidence. 2012 is just two years from now and the purpose of my leap of faith in December of that year is accessing the portal in Sedona to find the Source at the galactic center. I have an intuitive feeling that the answers to what we exist within and why we exist within it, together with the location of the mind, will all be found there. And as I have said on prior occasions, the only free will that matters in this holographic reality is the ability to leave it at anytime. All else is programming.
Two years to answering the question “why we exist”
After 30 years of work Russia prepares to get closer to revealing more secrets of the nano-world, as in two years time it is set to launch a new beam research reactor near St. Petersburg.
Free will is an illusion, biologist says
When biologist Anthony Cashmore claims that the concept of free will is an illusion, he’s not breaking any new ground. At least as far back as the ancient Greeks, people have wondered how humans seem to have the ability to make their own personal decisions in a manner lacking any causal component other than their desire to “will” something.
Where is The Mind?
The mind-body problem is about where the mind is located. Is it bound by the confines of our skull or does it lurk nearby, non-physically?