You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to say this looks fishy. –Cindi Canary
PAG e-NEWS: 25 June 2010
— questioning dogma, ideology, authority, reality, and whatever is left
— peeking behind the curtain
— thinking outside the program
— looking below the surface
— lifting the veil
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq. (
“Something’s fishy” should be the slogan of our program. I am not only referring to the food we eat but also to the air we breathe and the water we drink – all saturated with dangerous microorganisms. So why do we continue to destroy our biosphere with unnatural and harmful substances?
Something’s fishy
Mekong River / Catfish
What in the World are They Spraying?
Morgellons Victims Across the US and Europe
Over the past ten years, more than 100 000 people in the United States and in Europe have complained about a strange and devastating skin disease known as Morgellons.