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20 July 2010

All art is but imitation of nature. –Lucius Annaeus Seneca
PAG e-NEWS: 20 July 2010
— questioning dogma, ideology, authority, reality, and whatever is left
   — peeking behind the curtain
   — thinking outside the program
   — looking below the surface       
   — lifting the veil
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq. (
Don’t you just love the 3D designs – I sure do. And now there are three of them. If van den Broeke lived in Wiltshire he’d be energized on a daily basis and we would then have some more fantastic photos to go along with the intriguing cereal-grams. And what’s with the man-made design in Switzerland? When you check out the Swiss web site you find commentary that you would only expect with the truly mysterious ones. Why analyze a hoax – unless even those provide a clue or two about Cereal Theater’s actual audience? 
An amazing Hypercube has appeared below the Fosbury Hill fort on Haydown Hill. Once again we see glimpses of other dimensions. This is now the third in what appears to be a sequence of formations so far.
Discovered by the farmer himself on July 8, 2010, this 120 m diameter measuring formation was investigated by Beni Sidler of the Swiss crop circle research organisation “KORES” soon after its discovery. Inside Sidler found all traces and signs for a mechanical man-made origin of this formation. 
The Netherlands
While at his home in southern Holland Dutch medium Robbert van den Broeke has again, as in the past, suddenly become aware of a strong “energy” which he has learned indicates a new crop circle is occurring somewhere in his general area of Holland.
Last night (8-9 of July) we have got a brand new crop circle in the southwest of the Netherlands, near Standdaarbuiten. This morning I received a message from Robbert van den Broeke with the announcement of this formation, which resembles a cross of Christ. This formation counts 17 circles in the cross and 3 circles some few meters further. 

19 July 2010

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. –Galileo Galilei
PAG e-NEWS: 19 July 2010
— questioning dogma, ideology, authority, reality, and whatever is left
   — peeking behind the curtain
   — thinking outside the program
   — looking below the surface       
   — lifting the veil
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq. (
The first video suggests that orbs have the ability to manifest out of thin air. Now that sounds like a natural characteristic of an intelligently unique form of atmospheric life to me. But then again cloaking is a technological property also, as we all know. The objects in the second video resemble vehicles rather than creatures principally due to their blinking lights. I just can’t picture an alien life fom with a blinking tail light. But I can see where a pilotless drone would have one or two. The object in the third video, on the other hand, certainly looks like a sky critter. The orb in the fourth video demonstrates an interesting performance capability: a speed that the human eye cannot detect. I think I would be most alarmed learning that a dark military technology possessed that ability. And lastly we once again see in Linda’s interview a connection between the orbs and certain crop circles- which still doesn’t answer the question posed above. Actually it just confuses the issue – or does it?. Oh by the way, I included the last story for informational purposes only.
Orbs appearing out of nowhere
A very bright orb
Another close-up of an orb
How fast is an orb?
Orange Spheres of Light Photographed Near Guy’s Cliffe, Warwickshire, U. K. Wheat Pattern
What is behind those lights? That’s the question. Is it something physical behind the light?  Or some kind of energy intelligence? Are the balls of light responsible for making some of the crop formations?
‘Rain of luminous beams’ appears in the sky of Xiamen Huandao Road
According to Mr. Wang, his friend first saw several luminous beams in the sky and then told them to go outside and take a look. They were stunned by the sight before their eyes.

16 July 2010

If one looks with a cold eye at the mess man has made of history, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that he has been afflicted by some built-in mental disorder which drives him towards self-destruction. –Arthur Koestler
PAG e-NEWS: 16 July 2010
— questioning dogma, ideology, authority, reality, and whatever is left
   — peeking behind the curtain
   — thinking outside the program
   — looking below the surface       
   — lifting the veil
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq. (
Check out these facts: Corexit is 4x more toxic than crude oil. It is banned as too dangerous to use in the UK. It is being sprayed by the hundreds of thousands of gallons on the Gulf by plane with most of it ending up in the atmosphere. It is not an effective way to remedy oil spills and is being used solely to mask the problem. And worst of all Corexit has the potential to permanently contaminate drinking water supplies in the areas it is being sprayed. Are we programmed to be accomplices in our own self-destruction – or is there some external malignant force corrupting our program? My money is on the latter.
Stop spraying the Gulf with Corexit now
Please watch this short video and see what we’re up against.
Oil Reaches the Miami Beaches
What will be left after the oil spill?
No dolphins… no whales… no bluefin tuna… no swordfish… no turtles… no coral beds… no plankton… The first man to dive below America’s worst environmental disaster looks at the evidence
Why BP is Readying a ‘Super Weapon’ to Avert Escalating Gulf Nightmare
In a desperate attempt to stop a huge area of the Gulf ocean floor from possibly rupturing due to subterranean methane gas (leading to a calamity no human has ever seen) BP has ripped a page from science fiction books.