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The Mysterious Deaths of the Birds, Bees, & Fish

Hi Everyone,
The Mysterious Deaths of the Birds, Bees, & Fish is today’s e-NEWS-type entry in the Countdown Journal. 
I have also created a Cybrary on the e-NEWS web site where you can find my favorite articles organized by subject. 

Holographically Yours

Good Morning,
Holographically Yours is now available online.
Since my web site does feature an RSS feed I am including its explanation if anyone is interested in subscribing to it. I will continue to notify you of new entries but you still need to go to the web site to read them. The RSS feed brings each entry to you.

A Simulating Conversation


A Simulating Conversation, today’s entry in the Countdown Journal is now online. 
I’ve decided to continue to use this method of notifying you when I post a new entry. I finally understand the RSS feed and it isn’t what I thought it to be. If you do not wish to receive these emails please use the link below to unsubscribe.
