Despite the rumors and suggestions of others, Peter is not planning to “jump off Bell Rock” on December 21,2012 (or anytime for that matter). As Peter told the local deputies that knocked on his door yesterday, he is not suicidal and anyone is welcome to climb to the top with him this Friday. So far this year he has guided over 150 grateful people from all over the world to the top of Bell Rock. Some of their journeys are recorded in the “Top of Bell Rock Club” photo album on his FaceBook page, including a local deputy in charge of Search & Rescue.
Several filmmakers have expressed interest in being there Dec. 21st to record whatever may or may not happen. No live feed is planned that I am aware of but in this day of smart phones, who knows what may show up on LiveStream or YouTube. There may be DVDs or streams available from private parties later but neither Peter or I have any financial interest or gain from it. That could change if something special is caught on film of course. To date Peter has never asked for donations except during his days as the UFO Lawyer for CAUS to cover lawsuit expenses under the Freedom of Information Act. His dedication to Bell Rock and his personal mission has been unwavering and has been freely shared with all.
The “Hike Bell Rock” t-shirts for sale on this website are the creation of this website’s owner and webmaster, Jimmy Fox.
Any profit goes toward maintenance and hosting expenses for Bell Rock 2012, Peter does not get any of the money.
In fact, the only t-shirt that I’ve sold to date was to Peter, and I owe him a $3 refund because I lowered the price.
The last words I heard from Peter were he will still be around in 2013. C’est la Vie.
There’s nothing more to say except prayers for Peter on his quest.