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24 August 2010

We are threatened with suffering from three directions: from our own body, which is doomed to decay and dissolution and which cannot even do without pain and anxiety as warning signals; from the external world, which may rage against us with overwhelming and merciless forces of destruction; and finally from our relations to other men. The suffering which comes from this last source is perhaps more painful than any other. –Sigmund Freud
PAG e-NEWS: 24 August 2010
— questioning dogma, ideology, authority, reality, and whatever is left
   — peeking behind the curtain
   — thinking outside the program
   — looking below the surface       
   — lifting the veil
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq. (
All food and drugs should have a warning sign that reads: caveat emptor!
Dead cow carcasses “resurrected” to produce cloned beef
We already know that cloned beef has entered the food supply both in the United States and the UK. Now, thanks to revelations … we’re learning that dead cows are cloned to produce the next generation of beef cattle.
85% of Big Pharma’s new drugs are “lemons” and pose health risks to users
Independent reviewers found that about 85 percent of new drugs offer few if any new benefits — but they carry the risk of causing serious harm to users.
FDA exploits salmonella eggs recall to pursue food sterilization agenda
According to mainstream news sources, a massive 380-million-egg recall has been announced, and these eggs are all so incredibly dangerous that you have to immediately remove them from your refrigerator and take them back to the store where you bought them so that they can be properly destroyed.

11:11 Invitation

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