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3 August 2010

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance. –Confucius
PAG e-NEWS: 3 August 2010
— questioning dogma, ideology, authority, reality, and whatever is left
   — peeking behind the curtain
   — thinking outside the program
   — looking below the surface       
   — lifting the veil
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq. (
Mysterious aerial spraying and a mysterious disease have both defied explanation these past few years. Some researchers believe there is a connection between the two. They do have at least one thing in common: they both exist in open view yet are ignored by the mainstream media.
Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails
At an international symposium held in Ghent, Belgium May 28-30, 2010, scientists asserted that “manipulation of climate through modification of Cirrus clouds is neither a hoax nor a conspiracy theory.” It is “fully operational” with a solid sixty-year history. Though “hostile” environmental modification was banned by UN Convention in 1978, its “friendly” use today is being hailed as the new savior to climate change and to water and food shortages. The military-industrial complex stands poised to capitalize on controlling the world’s weather.
Chemtrails don’t exist
I’ve always wondered why no one ever flew above a chemtrail spraying plane to document exactly what they’re doing. It’s pretty obvious from the ground what they’re doing, but some people are as dense as logs. Finally, here it is. This is not normal engine exhaust. They are spraying something and they have the ability to turn it on and off at will, something you clearly can’t do with engine exhaust. What are they spraying?
Morgellons and the CIA’s MK/NAOMI Project
Why is it that the U.S. state apparatus is standing in the way of any serious medical investigation into Mogellons disease? For the simple reason that it would inexorably lead to the covert biological war programmes of the 1950’s.
Morgellons: The extent of the problem
Let us now go on in the more comfortable vein of providing you with “more evidence” that there is indeed a problem.

11:11 Invitation

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