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9 November 2010

Time discovers truth. –Seneca
PAG e-NEWS: 9 November 2010
— questioning dogma, ideology, authority, reality, and whatever is left
   — peeking behind the curtain
   — thinking outside the program
   — looking below the surface       
   — lifting the veil
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq. (
I assume if you are reading this then the Large Hadron Collider did not end our holographic reality today. I have this gut feeling that our simulation will still be functioning, not only at the end of this day, but also at the end of June 21, 2012. Though I am a true believer of veiled messages in movies and TV shows, if there is a hidden communication from our programmer in that Simpson episode, it is about something other than a date. There is only one point in time and space that we need to be aware of and if you are reading this – which of course you are – then you know which date I am thinking about.
CERN, Germans And The Vatican
… the attempt at CERN, on the border between France and Switzerland, to create an odd quark that might rearrange our universe would take place in a few days’ time, namely, on the 9th of November.
Simpsons False Flag Nuclear Attack 21-06-2012: Synchronicity or Coded Predictions?
In the last few days Websites and Blogs all over the internet have been buzzing with the theory that someone had found a warning buried in an episode of the incredibly popular animated show The Simpsons.
3D holograms enter the fourth dimension
Holography has just gained a fourth dimension, bringing the prospect of Star Wars-style holographic telepresence into the real world.

11:11 Invitation

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