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And a happy 11:11 day to each of you. Today I am pleased to publicly announce that my 11:11 Invitation 2012 web site is now available for viewing. Please check it out. Comments and suggestions are appreciated.
On a somber note, I have decided to cease publishing the e-NEWS as of December 21st of this year. Most everything eventually comes to end and as it was with CAUS Updates, so it will be for with the e-NEWS. I will keep the web site as an archive of my favorite articles.
On that same day I will be starting a Countdown to 2012/Leap of Faith daily blog on my 11:11 Invitation 2012 web site. I will continue to discuss the same subjects but with particular emphasis on the winter solstice of 2012, the 11:11 phenomenon, cosmic portals/gateways, my leap of faith, Bell Rock/Sedona, and the nature of our reality. 
Thanks for being an e-NEWS subscriber and I look forward to seeing you on my new webs site/blog.

11:11 Invitation

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