It’s time for the human race to enter the solar system. –Dan Quayle
PAG e-NEWS: 21 September 2010
— questioning dogma, ideology, authority, reality, and whatever is left
— peeking behind the curtain
— thinking outside the program
— looking below the surface
— lifting the veil
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq. (
There are so many questions; but so few answers. Are we intentionally being kept in the dark about the true purpose of our solar system and the true nature of our galaxy or are our scientists as blind as we are?
What’s eating the stars out of our galaxy’s heart?
This is a big surprise because it goes against our ideas of what ought to be happening at the galactic centre. The gravitational field around Sagittarius A* is thought to be strong enough to have herded stars into its neighbourhood over billions of years. So why aren’t there more ancient stars at the galactic centre?
Solar Storms and 2012
… it is entirely possible that the Mayan Calendar is a means to warn future generations of an impending immense solar flare event.
Anomalous Physics Of Luna
Level-headed people who have studied things say that the Earth’s moon is the biggest anomaly of the solar system, admitting they have no clue as to why it is there.